August 1, 2020
Dear Friend of AACCS,
The words of the Psalmist echo in our minds as the ministry of AACCS draws to a close. “For the LORD is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations.” (Psalm 100:5).
We have all witnessed the goodness and lovingkindness of the Lord over the past 35 years. His goodness was evident when AACCS was established over three and half decades ago. He faithfully kept AACCS afloat in times of challenge and difficulties. He always supplied incredible gifted and committed therapists and helped us train a host of new Christian counselors. He provided faithful, humble believers to serve as Board Members.
In the midst of our closing, the Lord provided avenues to continue the Komae Scholarship Fund (KSF) and our Missionary Outreach Fund for Member Care (MOF). Arrangements have been made for the balance of the KSF to be administered through The Fuller Foundation. The Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society (JEMS) will oversee the remaining MOF and will utilize former AACCS therapists for Member Care overseas.
Another demonstration of God’s goodness was allowing AACCS to have caring supporters such as you. The agency could not have stayed afloat without the prayers, encouragement and financial backing of a host of faithful friends. Because of you, we were able to “finish well”. Over the past few months, your generosity overflowed. We were able to take care of clients, meet our operational expenses, support our therapists and administrative staff, and manage our liabilities and indebtedness both ethically and with integrity.
Your gifts even made it possible for us to maintain our website for the next six years (until 2026) so that those seeking referrals for Asian American Christian counselors can find resources here.
Finally, it has been a joy to witness God’s faithfulness to all generations by prompting many of our therapists to start their own private practices. We can rejoice in the fact that when we began, there were very few Asian American Christian counselors available. Today, the number has mushroomed to help accommodate the growing number of Asian Americans who are in need of counseling.
Thank you for trusting God, believing in the agency, and extending your loving support over all these years.
Pastor Cory Ishida
Cory Ishida, Chairman
New Dawn Christian Family Services dba AACCS
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